Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Obama's Black Supremacist Church

Melanie Phillips:

Barack Obama belongs to the Trinity United Church in Chicago whose pastor is Rev Dr Jeremiah A Wright Jnr. The church is committed to what looks suspiciously like black supremacism. Dr Wright promotes ‘black power’ and ‘black liberation theology’, under which adherents must have a non-negotiable commitment to Africa and to seeing the world through an African perspective. The church proclaims its commitment to a ‘Black Value System’ which, apart from a commitment to Pledge Allegiance to All Black Leadership Who Espouse and Embrace the Black Value System, includes the Disavowal of the Pursuit of ‘Middleclassness’...

In the current issue of the church’s magazine The Trumpet, there is a star-struck endorsement of Louis Farrakhan, the racist, anti-white and anti-Jewish black supremacist Muslim demagogue. In her ‘Empowerment Interview’ in the magazine, which claims that the leader of the Nation of Islam is a much misunderstood man, writer Rhoda McKinney-Jones gushes that Farrakhan truly epitomised greatness…
related: Obama's Racist Church