Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Simon Blackburn reviews Descartes, A.C. Grayling's new biography of the founder of modern philosophy:

You need not be much of a mathematician to know of Cartesian coordinates. And even people who have only a slender acquaintance with philosophy have often heard of “Cogito ergo sum” — I think therefore I am. They may even have heard of Cartesian skepticism and Cartesian dualism, and may know that it was in the course of pursuing the first, and establishing the second, that Descartes relied on his famous remark. The brilliant, enigmatic Frenchman whose name is thus remembered comes vividly to life in this fascinating new biography, by one of Britain’s foremost literary figures and philosophers...
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related: A.C. Grayling discusses Descartes' 'Cogito' with Nigel Warbuton in an excellent edition of the Philosophy Bites podcast

Free audiobook version of Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy: here