After a "mammoth, six-year effort to poll and interview tens of thousands of Muslims in more than 35 countries with Muslim majorities or substantial minorities" professional apologist for Islam John Esposito claims in a new book that the results reveal that 'only' 7 percent of muslims are radical terrorist supporters. But, as Robert Satloff, in a new article in the Weekly Standard, reveals, Esposito fails to count as 'radicals' an additional 29.6% who are openly sympathetic to muslim supremacist terrorists, most of whom also expressed the wish to see sharia law replace all secular constitutions.
But even leaving aside the vast numbers of muslims who are 'sympathetic' rather than 'supportive' of muslim terrorists, and leaving aside the fact that the 7% figure would surely have been much higher if the question was not "Do you approve of the terrorist method of advancing jihad", about which there is some genuine disagreement in the muslim world, but rather "Do you support muslims who engage in jihad, as defined in orthodox Islamic scripture and jurisprudence", and also leaving aside the fact that Mohammed sanctioned lying in the cause of Islamic supremacism, so there is no reason to expect a muslim to admit to supporting jihad, even if we take that 7% figure at face value this amounts to approximately 80 million openly terrorist-supporting muslims, which surely in and of itself ought to be sufficient justification for a separationist policy toward the muslim world!